Dulce is Spanish for sweets better known as candy. Among the chitlins of Los Flores Dulce is more of a battle cry than an excited request. It is typically followed by tiny little hands probing your pockets and bag while chanting dulce in 3/4 time. Okay that last part was embellished, they chant in 4/4. This was the beginning of our day with the students. My first memory of today started a little earlier however.
In my room I sleep on the left side of the bed. Being a side sleeper and one who uses the “right arm under the pillow” method of sleeping for added support the end table next to the bed ended up being a convenient place for my hand to rest. Or so I thought. Around 4 a.m. I’m not sure the time I awoke to a bright light shining in my eyes, it was the lamp on the end table. Disoriented I figured one of my roomates turned it on, alas they were fast asleep. So, I turned off the lamp and went to bed. It was not until I woke up 3 hours later that I realized my hand on the end table had flipped the very sesitive lamp toggle and this is how the lamp had been turned on. Silly Bryce.
Remember how yesterday I said I would like to adopt a little hispanic child? Well I was wrong, I now want to adopt a few. These ninos and ninas (boys and girls) are so adorable (see pictures below) and so friendly. I’m sure the candy didn’t hurt but it was a blast playing with the kids. I must confess however while doing my strong man impression a kid hurt himself and started crying. Don’t worry I made it better by giving him candy. That’s just what Mexico needs, a generation on children who are given cheap substitutes for happiness as opposed to the tools to deal with the issues of life that come up. Social commentary? You decide!
Anyways I spent time at the church today with the VBS program. It included Puppet shows, face painting, art, carnival games and sharing the gospel. It was a lot of fun. Down the hill was the sports camp I’ll check that out tomorrow. Hopefully I will not be witnessing 5th graders schooling our high schoolers in futbol (soccer) but more than likely I will.
[ A suspicious looking hipster just walked by with 7 sticks wrapped at the end with a garbage bag. Me thinks I’m going to be hearing bottle rockets soon.]August 4th my wife and I along with her family are doing the color run in downtown Sacramento. [see this link] Once summer started my jogging stopped due to the heat and my “over insulation.” That’s my subtle may of saying I’m more fat than I’d like to be. But I want to be able to do the color run in good time and not feel like I’m going to die so I started jogging last night and ran a mile today.
Needless to say my running abilities have faded due to lack of muscle usage (lungs, legs, etc). Not to get to spiritual but I think we complain a lot that scripture is to hard to remember or apply. But I wonder if that’s because we don’t really work out our brain or memory by ever trying to do so… If the mind is a muscle then it can atrophy through lack of use just light my lungs and stamina. Just a thought.
Well, It’s been a long day. I hope you have a lovely evening and day.