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Some people have trouble pursuing peace with God because they do not know God.  They do not have a relationship with Him so the idea of trust seems foreign.  Biblically speaking this is the case with the majority of people.

Matthew 7:13-14 | 13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

In other words more people will choose to go against God then to have peace with God.  This may not be a conscious choice, perhaps it’s a choice of inaction.  Regardless whether people choose to consciously war against God or simply choose to ignore God the result is the same, according to Jesus, destruction.  We know this as Hell.  From the beginning of our lives we are all at war with God, we are all separated from God.

Romans 3:23 “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”

What this means is God has set a standard for humanity and we have failed to live up to it.  In fact it is impossible to live up to it.  The standard that God set for us is Himself.  Unless we are as perfect as Christ we fall short of the standard God set, we commit sin and are therefore separated from Him.  You can think of it like the Grand Canyon we are on one side, God is on the other and the canyon itself represents the sin that separates us.
Why would God do this?  Why would he set a standard that we have no way of fulfilling?  That seems cruel…  I would agree it SEEMS cruel but I would argue it is not cruel.  I believe His motivation is that when we recognize our inability we will turn to Him.  Sometime this week if you think of it Google the phrase “Let Your Child Fail.”  You will find countless articles written on the benefits of letting your child fail.  Failure isn’t as bad as we often think, one site makes this claim

“Failure is an opportunity to get your child to look at himself.”

Why is it that we understand and possibly agree with this new trend of “letting your child fail” but are angered when applying it to God’s dealings with us?  Surely the same good can come when God allows us to fail.  Perhaps we to will start to look at ourselves and our shortcomings?  Perhaps we will start to change, we will start to turn to those who can help us, we will realize our need and we reach out.  This is what God wants!!!  He wants us to realize that we cannot do it on our own, that we need His help.  He has already given us this Help in Jesus.

Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

In order to bring peace to our relationship with Him God sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins and raise again to give us life.

Romans 10:9 “That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

To pursue peace with God we must pursue a relationship with Jesus.  This starts by understanding we are sinful, that this sin separates us from God, that we cannot do anything about it on our own and that we need the sacrifice that Jesus made to forgive our sins.  It is only then that we can truly have peace with God.  Pursue peace with God today and accept Christ as your savior.
If you have questions or comments please let us know.  We’d love to answer any questions you may have.
In Christ,

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