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Today I left for Mexico with Church of the Foothills and Rancho Murietta. We are driving down past San Diego today and into Mexico tomorrow. Today was a perfect storm of fail when it came to sleep. Up late packing and spending time with Bethany, inability to sleep in cars doubled by people throwing M&M’s in my mouth when I finally do doze off. Consequently I’m running low on energy and looking forward to being there.

I will say though, my desire to travel in comfort (a.k.a. gym shorts and a tank top) has worked out very well.

I was talking to Brianna at the beginning of our trip wondering what she was looking forward to about this trip and what she was nervous about. I feel it is only fair to be willing to answer and consider the same questions that you ask others to consider.

What am I looking forward to?
I’m looking forward sharing God’s love through practical acts of service to the men, women and children of Ensenada Mexico. I’m looking forward to filming our experience and putting together a short documentary for the Mexico trip. This will be a challenge for me since I’ve never done the documentary style format so it will challenge me a bit. I’m looking forward to shaking myself up a bit. It’s no secret that doing the same thing day in and day out can put you in a run physically, emotionally and spiritually. I’m excited to break free from that and hopefully step out of my comfort zone a bit.

What am I anxious about?
For those of you who don’t know, I’m a youth pastor. I spend the majority of my time teaching about Jesus and the Bible. I tell you this because the thing I’m most nervous to do is exactly that. I’m nervous for the evangelism aspect of this mission trip. Think what you will about evangelism but I believe when done with respect in truth and love it’s a necessity for all beleivers. Sharing the gospel with strangers freaks me out, I don’t have that gift. I’m thankful for those who do and I’m praying that God gives me opportunity, but it freaks me out a bit.

Alright, we’re almost to the motel we’re staying at tonight, I’m looking forward to swimming or jogging or whatever is available. Keep checking back for video blogs and written ones.

In Christ,

p.s At least I know I’ll sleep beter then the guy who screwed up the San Diego Fireworks display. If you’re wondering what you’re seeing all the fireworks for the whole show went off all at once.

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