I don’t consider myself a blogger. It was something that never really appealed to me, I’m not sure yet that it does. I don’t find myself or my life very interesting, but I do find it good. This scripture Isaiah 52:7 has always been one of those in the Bible that really challenges me.
‘How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”’
It challenges me because I look at myself and my life and I’m not sure it describes me. I’m not talking in the physical sense, I have sasquatch feet with a striking sandal tan, if that were so I would be hopeless. But in my life is this true of me. Many would say yes, after all, I’m a pastor. Yes it is my job and I love sharing Christ with people but does every ounce of my being jump for the opportunity to share good news? no. I cower back, stay silent, meet only physical needs and never spiritual and I would like that to change.
Here is my goal. I am going to blog at least once a day for the 30 days that I am gone at camp and overseas. I am challenging myself daily to have meaningful conversations with people as opposed to the surface ones that come easily. You can be praying for me, I look forward to seeing what God does.