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This has been an exhausting two weeks. First off I finally started my job share with Church of the Foothills and CNC. This has actually been a blast! If you had not heard I am doing Worship / Youth at CNC and Media / Web / App at COTF. This has been a cool division of labor and has made each of my jobs a little more fun. The exhausting actually comes from the impending two weeks of summer camp at Alliance Redwoods. In order to make it cost effecting we do fundraisers and but within two weeks we have done 4 fundraisers. It’s been a little intense but now all our fundraising is done until after camp when I have a crazy week overseeing a fireworks booth. My crazy two weeks are done and are finishing with a bang! Well… more of an eclipse.

Sadly, being a non cable-file (one who does not have cable tv), and one who is not up to date on non-tech related current events, I didn’t know about it until yesterday. Sometimes I feel like everyone has a secret source for all knowledge that I don’t. Then I realize they probably just watch the news and read the newspaper. Reminds me of a 30 Rock episode I recently watched. Liz Lemon speaking with Jack Donaghey says “How do they (a motel) keep their bathrooms so clean!” to which Jack replies “they wash them…” Perhaps if I want to join this secret world of knowledge I should just read more than tech blogs. Crazy…

In other news, widening my ever increasing gap away from hipsterness I’m working on my TriTan what I will define as a mixture of farmers tan, tank top tan, and straight up white skin. This has been helped along by my recent purchase of 5 brotanks from Target. BroTanks which UrbanDictionary defines as

“A tank top that bros normally wear. Basically white beaters with colorful designs on them. Though the people wearing them feel cool, they just end up looking lame.”

I’d love to be the exception to the rule but… Alas. I’m not. In the end I’m more of a function over fashion kind of guy and they keep me cool when it’s hot so…. cool or lame? I choose lame. I even caught myself walk around in running shoes because they support my feet better in day to day life, I guess you could say my season of life is “eclipsing” from youth to adulthood. You could say that, but you probably wouldn’t and neither should I.

That’s all for now, time to go stare directly into the sun for a few hours with Bethany’s family through paper and plastic polarized lenses. Hopefully this eclipse isn’t like all other eclipses I’ve seen. A disappointment. (way to end on a high note)


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